The Descent

A 7-week journey through the 7 chakras

to lead you out of your head and back into your body

and reconnect you with your sacred energy, sovereignty and truth


Cultivate a deeper connection with her body and awaken her life force energy to become self-sourced with her own love and power

Remember the sacred codes, ancestral wisdom and ancient practices that assist with clearing stored trauma, past negative experiences and feminine wounds so that she can heal the connection to her body, her lineage and reclaim her full feminine identity

Create a relationship of trust with herself by taking care of her own energy and showing herself it is safe to soften into her feminine essence and relax into a life of more ease, enjoyment and pleasure

Build the capacity to sit with her emotions, explore her inner workings, and give space for her heart's true desires so she can show up with more clarity and balance in her life and relationships





Woman, are you tired of feeling rushed through life, disconnected from your body and depleted of energy or passion? Are you desiring to feel more connected to yourself, more expressed with your truth and more confident in what you can bring to the world?

As women trying to survive on this Earth, it is quite common for us to become disembodied and disconnected from ourselves as a way to cope with societal expectations, trauma and negative experiences happening in the world today.  Yet, in order to fully embrace our womanhood, womb wisdom and intuition and to be able to share our divine gifts, we must find our way back home and into ourselves so we can fully inhabit the wonder of this life and live out our divine calling

Everything you need to know is already in your body, deep in your heart and waiting in your womb.  You are a spiritual being having a human experience and having a space to harmonize the two is how to create a safe place for your truth, your desires, and your path to reveal itself 

The descent is the way for you to get out of your head and back into your body, to reconnect with your sacred energy, sovereignty and truth.  It is a journey through the 7 energy centers that will guide you back home into your heart, womb and yoni  

You will be taken on the journey with guidance and support in a gentle, safe, and effective way along with ancient teachings and rituals that honor the feminine body

Together we will…

Explore the 7 major energy centers:

Have fun playing with different techniques and practices to clear, open and balance each chakra using colors, essential oils, flowers, music and more

Play with your Feminine energy:

Rituals and daily practices to slow down, soften, find safety and pleasure in connecting to the body, igniting your sensual and creative life force energy

Connect to your body and sensual energy:

as a source of wisdom, intuition, and as a key to deepening your relationship to your feminine essence, bringing it in your day-to-day life so that you can turn on your magnetism

Nourish yourself through sacred sisterhood:

allow yourself to be witnessed, supported and held by our community of sacred women who are on the journey right alongside you. Co-regulate your nervous system in a safe space where you can feel what it is to be fully seen, understood and held with reverence to your own highest wisdom

Create a rhythm and routine to honor your feminine:

learn how your inner masculine can create a healthy relationship with the boundaries needed to prioritize your energy and explore what consistency means for you and your lifestyle so you can continue to devote time to yourself without taking away from other important areas of your life

Sundays, 7pm CST May 19th-June 30th

Each week we will have gather virtually to learn about the one of the seven chakras, beginning at the crown and working our way down to the root

We will explore the spiritual, emotional, psychological, and physical qualities each energy center holds and how to clear, open and balance each one using oils, crystals, colors and other type of natural therapies that honor the feminine body

We will be calling on and receiving extra guidance and blessing from a new Goddess each week, connecting with the deity to enhance the healing process

You will also receive access to my free ritual guide and encouraged to create a sacred space in your home to dedicate to the goddess, the chakra and yourself

Connect, share and experience the journey in a private Facebook group filled with sacred sisters who are taking the journey with you!

*Lifetime access to all of the teachings*

  • Crown Chakra: The Seat of Enlightenment

    Goddess: Shekinah ~ The Presence of Divine Feminine

    Themes: Bliss, Conscious Connection, Union of the Divine Masculine & Feminine

  • Third Eye Chakra: Calling Forward the Unconscious

    Goddess: Saraswati ~ The Goddess of Self-Knowledge

    Themes: Connection to Higher Self, Clearing the Distortion of False Identity, Ego-Death

  • Throat Chakra: Your Unique Vibration

    Goddess: Lilith ~ The First Woman

    Themes: Voicing your Truth, Nervous System Regulation, Your Sound

  • Heart Chakra: The Heart as the Compass

    Goddess: White Buffalo Calf Woman ~ The Prophetess of the Sacred Way

    Themes: Abundance, Love, Sacred Center, The Feminine Doorway

  • Solar Plexus Chakra: Shine Bright

    Goddess: Inanna ~ The Queen of Heaven and Earth

    Themes: Self-confidence, Inner Power, Claiming the Full Self

  • Sacral Chakra: Portal of Creation

    Goddess: Isis ~ The Goddess of Magic

    Themes: Life Force Energy, Sensuality, Pleasure, Womb Connection

  • Root Chakra: Divine Mother

    Goddess: Our Lady of Guadalupe ~ The Empress of Protection

    Themes: Clearing, Connecting with Mother Earth, Returning to Our Roots

You can expect to feel

🌙Comfortable with connecting to and sitting with sensations in your body

✨Confident setting boundaries that honor your energy and time

🌙Less resistant to prioritizing your needs

✨More open voicing your truth, desires and opinions

🌙Excited by allowing and receiving things that bring you pleasure

✨Relaxed by slowing down in life and softening into the present moment

🌙Less overwhelmed by tasks and more in love with the things that fill your day

✨A deepened level of self-trust by discerning and honoring your body’s yeses and nos

🌙Energetically balanced, clear and open

✨More free, expansive and centered in the heart

🌙In the seat of your power and embodied in self-love

✨Ready to share your divine gifts more freely with the world

🌙More regulated, rejuvenated, and self-sourced for energy

You do not need to take this journey alone, we are here to support you as you

process emotions, move energy, and create new patterns for your life and

expand into your fullest feminine expression


*Payment plan available

ROUND 2: Fall 2024