The Descent
A 7-week journey through the 7 chakras
to lead you out of your head and back into your body
and reconnect you with your sacred energy, sovereignty and truth
Crown Chakra: The Seat of Enlightenment
Goddess: Shekinah ~ The Presence of Divine Feminine
Themes: Bliss, Conscious Connection, Union of the Divine Masculine & Feminine
Third Eye Chakra: Calling Forward the Unconscious
Goddess: Saraswati ~ The Goddess of Self-Knowledge
Themes: Connection to Higher Self, Clearing the Distortion of False Identity, Ego-Death
Throat Chakra: Your Unique Vibration
Goddess: Lilith ~ The First Woman
Themes: Voicing your Truth, Nervous System Regulation, Your Sound
Heart Chakra: The Heart as the Compass
Goddess: White Buffalo Calf Woman ~ The Prophetess of the Sacred Way
Themes: Abundance, Love, Sacred Center, The Feminine Doorway
Solar Plexus Chakra: Shine Bright
Goddess: Inanna ~ The Queen of Heaven and Earth
Themes: Self-confidence, Inner Power, Claiming the Full Self
Sacral Chakra: Portal of Creation
Goddess: Isis ~ The Goddess of Magic
Themes: Life Force Energy, Sensuality, Pleasure, Womb Connection
Root Chakra: Divine Mother
Goddess: Our Lady of Guadalupe ~ The Empress of Protection
Themes: Clearing, Connecting with Mother Earth, Returning to Our Roots
You do not need to take this journey alone, we are here to support you as you
process emotions, move energy, and create new patterns for your life and
expand into your fullest feminine expression
*Payment plan available